Regular Use Vegetables
Regular Use Vegetables
Chili Green ( Hari mirch ) 100g
₹6.00/ ₹15.00/
Green chillis are the best kitchen ingredient to bring a dash of spiciness to recipes. The fresh fla..
Chilli Green, Coriander Leaf & Fresh Ginger, Each 100g
₹29.00/ ₹40.00/
Chilli Green, Coriander Leaf & Fresh Ginger, Each 100g..
Coriander leaves (Dhania Patta) 100g
₹4.00/ ₹35.00/
Coriander leaves are green, fragile with a decorative appearance. Coriander leaves fight food poison..
Fresh Fenugreek ( Methee Or Methi Saag ) 250g
₹8.00/ ₹10.00/
Fenugreek (Methi ka Saag) are a very popular ingredient in Indian dishes that has a bitter taste and..
Fresh Ginger, Green Garlic & Spring Onion, Each 100g
₹32.00/ ₹65.00/
Fresh Ginger, Green Garlic & Spring Onion, Each 100g..
Ginger (Adrak) 100g
₹10.00/ ₹12.00/
Ginger root treats morning sickness. They reduce muscle pain, soreness and eases various stomach pro..
Green Garlic 100g
₹14.00/ ₹15.00/
The green garlic has an enriching range of vitamins. Specifically, it contains Thiamine (Vitamin B1)..
Hara Saga Pyaj (Spring Onion) 100g
₹8.00/ ₹10.00/
Spring onions come with a crisp texture and sweet flavour. They are moist with thin, white flesh and..
Lemon (Nimboo) 2Pc
₹10.00/ ₹16.00/
Approx Weight: 25-35Grm.Lemon is Vitamin C rich citrus fruit that enhances your beauty. It rejuvenat..
Naya Aloo Safed ( New White Potato ) 1Kg
₹28.00/ ₹30.00/
A good source of fibre, vitamins, minerals and energy, Small Potatoes are also known to have gr..
Onion (Pyaj) 500g
₹38.00/ ₹45.00/
Rich in antioxidants, Small red onions/shellot. Onions are known to have antiseptic, antimicrob..
Small Potato (Chhota Size Alloo) 1Kg
₹19.00/ ₹30.00/
Small Potato New (Chhota Size Naya Alloo) 1Kg..
White Garlic (Safed Lahsun) 100g, Medium
₹39.00/ ₹45.00/
It is a rich source of Vitamin B including Thiamine as well as dietary minerals such as Zinc, Calciu..